
Who told you that you don't have what it takes to succeed in Nigeria?

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When are you going to start being honest to yourself?

Have you been able to figure out why in spite of all the countless books and articles written on this planet about success and how to succeed,only very few people get to succeed?

How to succeed in Nigeria without education

Are you one of the lucky few that made it to the list of successful Nigerians? Or are you one of the unlucky majority who think they are unsuccessful because they don't have what it takes to succeed?
A lot of people have overtime formed the habit of lying to themselves;they often think because they don't have enough education,talents and money they can't accomplish their dreams of being successful.
Too often,we allow experiences from our past to keep us from becoming all that God intended for us to be. Maybe you've had some unfair experiences.
"Circumstances may have soured your outlook on life;nevertheless,you need to quit looking at what you don't have, and start believing that all things are possible."

Who told you that you're not talented enough to flourish in Nigeria?

Guess what."Before you were born,God endowed you with great gifts and talents uniquely designed for you.He gave you ideas and creativity to excel in some specific areas. You have something to offer that nobody else has. Somebody needs what you have." The rough events of your past does not reduce your potential. But why am I still struggling with setbacks and limitations if I truly possess all the qualities outlined above,you may ask.
Why are you still poor and unemployed in Nigeria? Honey,you've just asked one of the key questions most successful people ever asked.And the answer is within you.

3 possible reasons why you're yet to succeed?

  1. Maybe your approach and life strategies are not good enough.
.You might need to try a different approach.
    2.  Maybe your mind is kind of malnourished.

When was the last time you consciously fed your mind with healthy food,not junks?

   3.  Perhaps you are operating under curses.
Self limitation and Ancestral curse in Nigeria
 Whether you believe it or not,throngs of people in Nigeria are cursed.The sources of these curses are either ancestral or demonic.

Thanks for trouble shooting!!
So What do you suggest I should do in order to succeed now that I've known why I'm where I am?

Try new ideas... Having studied success,lives and works of some prominent men and women for close to a decade,I discovered that they have some common characteristics.Well,permit me to touch only two of these characteristics on this post.

Two key characteristics of successful people

 1. Successful people set goals 

Goal settings tips,Nigerians don't set goals

I read about a group of successful men who got together once in a while to talk about the experiences of their lives.All of them were peak performers and multimillionaires.They were humble and grateful for what they had achieved and for the blessings life had bestowed upon them.
During one of their gatherings,as they discussed the reasons why they had managed to achieve so much in life,the wisest man among them spoke up and said,in his estimate,"success is goals, and all else is commentary."
Brian Tracy once said,a person of average intelligence with clear goals will run circles around a genius who is not sure of what he or she really wants.

First decide on what you want from life;then set definite,realistic and attainable goals.
Be determined,discipline and dogged while you pursue your goals.

 2.Successful people like themselves

first Love and belive in yourself if you want to be rich in Africa

Here is what Joel Osteen said about liking yourself:one of the worst things you could do is to go through life being against yourself.This is a major problem today.Many people have a war going on inside themselves.They don't really like who they are.They focus on their weaknesses,not realizing that this negative introspection is a root cause of many of their difficulties.They can't get along in relationships,they're insecure,they don't enjoy their life,and it's largely because they're not at peace with who they are.
Stop self-sabotaging and self-loathing. 
You can never be truly successful in life if you don't have a healthy respect for who you are.Failure to learn to accept yourself the way you are = no success.
Thanks in advance for reading this blog post;please leave a comment to let me know if this post was kind of helpful to you.

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