How Feedjit Live Traffic Feed Can Help You Increase Your Blog Traffic
Have you ever thought about the possibility of increasing your blog traffic by merely adding Feedjit live traffic feed to your blog?
Well,if you've not,I'm going to show you some great reasons why you should consider adding a live traffic feed to your blog now.
Feedjit live traffic feed helps you to track or monitor your blog visitors in a unique way: it displays the location of your blog visitors in real-time;it also shows you and other visitors what your blog visitors clicked on or read.
Your Feedjit Live Traffic Feed keeps the 100 most recent visitors,it however displays a maximum of 10 visitors. To see older visits, drag it up with your mouse.
How can I boost my blog traffic by adding a Feedjit live traffic feed to my blogger blog?
We've been busy with other confusing and complex ideas for increasing blog traffic and for boosting web presence without noticing how Feedjit live traffic feed can encourage our blog visitors to tarry on our blog by being tempted to checkout our other blog posts simply because Feedjit Live Traffic Feed shows them what your other visitors read in real-time.
Its kind of psychological,people will always want to know why other people read a particular blog post and would want to check it out.
You see,by the time a person tries to read most of the blog posts read by other visitors,s/he would have stayed on your blog for a while,with that, search engines get signal to crawl your blog, thereby boosting your page ranking.
In addition,with a Feedjit live traffic feed on your blog,you tend to know what blog posts people read the most,wisdom should tell you that such blog posts are trendy and traffic magnets.Capitalize on that,publish related or complementary posts to keep them coming and to attract more people out there who are interested in those topics.With that,you'll get more things to write about,thereby increasing your blog traffic because,the more you publish posts, the greater your chances of ranking well on most popular search engines and the better the probability of your blog being crawled by these search engines.
How To Add Feedjit Live Traffic Feed(Gadget) To Your Blogger
1. Visit Feedjit:Feedjit Live Traffic
2.Personalize or Customize your Feedjit Widget:
Select a color scheme to determine your Feedjit background color,header text color,border color by clicking the drop down menu that looks like the one below.
Check the box at the right if you want Feedjit Live Traffic Feed to show where visitors came from:
Select widget width by typing a number in the box below:
3.Select your blog platform.Click on blogger icon if you're using blogger or WordPress icon if you're using WordPress.
Type Number of visitors you want Feedjit to show in the box below,it has to be maximum of 10:
4.Select the "Go" button,copy the generated code.
5. Navigate to Layout,select Add a Gadget,and then HTML/Javascript
6.Paste the code in the sidebar box,save the widget,you can drag and drop the sidebar widget at a more suitable place.
7.Don't forget to save your Template.
Your Feedjit Live Traffic will look like the widget/Feed above.You can now start attracting influx to your blog.
Please tell us your take on this,and I'll also want to know it works for you.
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